Need to add a few items to help you along your personal journey? Check out our limited supply of the following items, and order yours today while supplies last.
Meditation Mask with Worry Stone for pocket Deluxe $58 Regular $28 all & GST & ShippingThe Crystal Ailments Kit – This kit includes 17 common ailments and Crystals that can be used to overcome that ailment. Includes the following: Blue Lace Agate, Kunzite, Amphibole Quartz, Amazonite, Chiastolite, Chrysocolla, Carnelian, Red Sedona Jasper, Lepilote & Rubellite, Sunstone, Amber, Pink Opal, Howlite, Amethyst, Fire Agate, Black Tourmaline, Apatite (Save $37) Comes in beautiful bag, has postcard to identify Crystals and what ailment it aids; Crystals in a jar bed of either Palo Santo or Sage, and “how to use” instructions. $99.99 & GST & shipping.This oracle deck is great to have on your personal healing journey as they provide you with a message, suggested Crystals, and what action and affirmation to use. When you need a little guidance, this is a great source! $32.95 & GST & shipping.Sage and shell combination. Like to cleanse? Use the ancient technique of smudging by lighting the sage and flaming out flame so only smoke is rising. Hold over the shell to catch an ambers that may fall from the sage, as you feather the smoke around the object or person you are cleansing. Set is $35 & GST & shipping.
Be sure to contact Rebecca direct at [email protected] with any questions about your order.
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