Hello and thrilled to have you here!

This is the final tool to be unveiled in Rebecca’s top 5 personal Crystal Survival Kit tools, the beautiful Moonstone.

“Darren gave me a bag of 10 Moonstone cabochons “many moons ago” tee hee, and I’ve always carried those with me.  Some evenings when I’m on the road I will layout a half moon grid around my head to meditate with, or hold some in my hand, I just follow what feels right at the time.  Other times it just feels good knowing they are with me to sooth emotional stress, especially during the years of travelling with work.  Between the Moonstone and Kunzite (for calmness) I have my exactly what I need in my Survival Kit to get me through the busy day.   The intent depends on the situation, sometimes I need more feminine energy, other times perhaps relief during a monthly cycle, or some days I just need a warm cushion of compassion around me, so I wrap Moonstone energy around me like a cloak.   That is why Moonstone is part of my Survival Tool Kit.  It’s like a piece of Motherly love with me.”  Rebecca

Moonstone comes in a variety of colours, most know it for that beautiful blue iridescent or the creamy white or ivory colour.


One we’ve recently discovered is called “White Moonstone” actually have shades of grey in them, very beautiful!  We have some in stock if you are interested.

IMG_9341  Also added to our recent inventory are some gallot size beautiful Black Moonstones (let us know if you are looking).  Black Moonstone is known to help connect you with a Guide during a specific life changing time.  “I find it comforting and grounding as well.  It’s a great companion to have when doing self work, as it hugs you in a warm blanket of compassion, for self.”  Rebecca   Once you see these beauties, you will certainly wish to add one to your collection.

Moonstone is commonly carried with Women for it’s female energy balancing properties.

The Moon has her monthly cycles, and Moonstone helps with a Woman’s monthly cycle as well.  It’s certainly a favourite with most Woman!

To use Moonstone in this manner remember the Rock Rules – Cleanse, Intent and Gratitude.  (click on Rock Rules to get your free copy today)

After cleansing your Moonstone, place the intent that you wish, for example, “Please help me feel good, vibrant and be healthy during this time of flow”.  As always thank it for what it’s about to co-create with you, your intent.

One very important note about intent, it’s like the Law of Attraction, think about what you want, not what you don’t want.   Notice we did not say “help minimize my pain”… first why would I set the standard low, you don’t want any pain, not just to minimize it, so think big with your intent!  Secondly,the Universe does not discriminate between positive and negative only the words and the feelings we send out with the intent, so think and word your intent positively and with feeling.

Moonstone is good for any feminine matter from conception to helping balance both male and female energies.

Moonstone helps males get in touch with their feminine side*

Moonstone helps to stabilize emotions, and sooth emotional instability and stress.*  Who doesn’t need that in your life?

As a caution, Women may need to remove you Moonstone around the full moon, as the energy may become intense.

If you have any questions or would like to share your experience with Moonstone please email at [email protected].


Thanks for stopping by and note that for July and August we are going to be only posting a few times so you can be outside enjoying the weather with your loved ones!

Happy Summer, and we will be back in a few weeks with an update on the Crystal and Tomato Plant Experiment.

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 All Content Copyright 2016

*The Crystal Bible – Judy Hall

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