We are so excited to share our amazing Crystals with you, and will be doing so at special events, such as Workshops, or any shows we attend. 

Check our the HOME page for a listing of where to find us.

We have have our new line of Crystal & Essential Oils so be sure to come check them out in person for a sniff!

 Grab your free ROCK RULES guide, the 3 essential rules that everyone should know, and subscribe to our monthly Newsletter.


Here we are at the Woman’s Show, sharing knowledge :

Click HERE to view

Crystal Tools

Crystal Tools

Hand Selected Kits

Amazing Soul-Journ Crystal Caspa’s


High Vibration and Rare

High Vibration and Rare

We are a company unlike any you’ve experienced before.

Product in specialized Soul-Journ Crystal Caspa’s , hand selected just for you.

You can display them as a beautiful artwork from Nature or…

You can learn about how they carry energy, bring joy to your life, and help light your path as you carve out your  Soul-Journ along the way.

Let Rebecca and Darren Fuller share their combined knowledge, talent and skills in a manner that you can learn from.  Check out the Workshop link.


Should you have any specific needs do not hesitate to contact us!  We are here to fill your Crystal needs, whether it’s in hard product, or knowledge.  We are your one stop shop!

Contact us at [email protected] 

Welcome to your unique and exciting Crystal Soul-Journ experience!


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Click for Knowledge

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